Friday, December 24, 2010

Last weekend I was supposed to go to a Craft Fair for some sisters in my Relief Society so my parents took Chandler for a day! I ended up not going to the craft fair but was grateful for the alone time I got to spend with Brody! When I asked him what he wanted to do for the day he told me, " Lets go to the museum, McDonalds and Disneyland." I did take him to the Childrens Museum and McDonalds but Disneyland was a bit out of the way! I had so much fun hanging out with him and doing whatever he wanted! I love my little guy so much and I am so thankful for the sweet spirit he has! Here is just a brief update in the Life of Brody Smith!

--Brody in gymnastics--

I decided to enroll Brody in gymnastics on one of the days that Chandler was at preschool so he didn't feel left out! He loved gymnastics and did a really good job! He does great cartwheels and loved walking on the beam! Way to go Brod!

--Brody at the Childrens Museum--
This Airplane was the highlight of the museum! He loved pretending he was flying!

This is a Hurricane simulator. The wind got up to 90 MPH. Brody kept telling me we needed to get out because it was blowing his glasses off!

--Brody with Santa--

We were able to see Santa at Chandlers school this year! Anytime we go anywhere I always make my kids tell me the rules for where we are going. The rules usually include: no hitting, no biting, no screaming, no going get the picture! So after we saw Santa, Brody says to me " I followed the rules. I didn't even punch Santa."

Brody was an Angel in the Christmas program! He was so proud of himself:)

--Brody in 20 Years--

I love this picture, despite the fact that Brody is clearly horrified! My dad bought these mustaches for the kids to wear and they all looked so funny! I think the glasses added a little extra something to Brody because he looked great!
Smith girls: Doesn't he look like the creeper from "Lovely Bones" weird but true!

Brody Brody Bo Body Banana nana Fo Fody Me My Mo Mody BRODY!!! I love you little man! You're so special to me! You make me laugh everyday! I love when you're in trouble and you ask " Mom are you mad at us?" Lucky for you, you are so adorable I can't stay mad for long! i love you Brody! Thanks for being such a special part of our family!

--Brody is obsessed with telling us this joke--


Unknown said...

Oh my heck I couln't quit laughing at his joke and hw excited he was when he would tell it! Brody we love you so much and you really are such a sweet little guy. You and Carter remind me so much of ech other and the sweet spirits you have. I know you were friends in heaven! Rikki thanks for the comment on my blog! You are so nice! I tell my mom all the time how much I took for granted when you lived by us and how much I wish you guys were still close to get together more! Merry Christmas!

Mellissa said...

aaaaahhh hahahaha. he is such a freaking sweetheart!!! i love this little guy. the mustache pic... halarious! your dad must be a funny guy. and he does look like the creepo from the lovely bones! yikes. this is such a sweet post. i love how you take time to point out each of your kids good qualities and you spend "special time" with each of them. you know you're a good mom when you ditch a craft fair to take your middle child to the childrens museam! good job :) i am looking forward to getting my life put back together over the next month or two so we can hang out more again! brody heard that your brody got his bike for christmas... and tried riding his over to your house this morning!!! haha. hope you guys are having a fun trip. talk to ya soon!!!

katesmith said...

I love this post about the little Brodster! We love him so much. He is a sweet, adorable, little guy and his smile would brighten anyone's day!! Thanks to Emma Liz for passing on her joke. Brody loved it! You are a good Mom Rikki, to take advantage of those one on one days. They don't happen very often.

Anonymous said...

What a great Idea!! I love Brody!!! I love your whole family. It was so fun to be with you at Christmas. My kids had so much fun with yours. Brody seriously amazes me with his gymnastic skills:)

NAT said...

Wow, Brody! I'm so impressed with your gymnast skills. I could never hang from the rings like that. Sorry to say, though, you DO look like the weirdo from "The Lovely Bones." Yikes. I LOVE your joke and will have to have Emma watch that video.