While Todd was gone his mom flew in. We decided to take the kids inside the airport to wait for her with balloons and signs. I think she was shocked when she walked down the stairs and her grandkids were waiting for her! So excited in fact, she grabbed the wrong luggage!

"Welcome to Las Vegas "Grandma Kate"
The people at the airport kept commenting on how cute the kids were waiting for their grandma!
You know you have been in Las Vegas too long when your kids think its too cold to get in the pool yet its 110 degrees! And they think they need an arm tattoo all the time! Sometimes I don't ask what my kids are doing, I just video.
Girl Time
Todd was nice enough to get all of us girls tickets to Lion King! It was amazing! The costumes and music were awesome! It was so fun to hang out with the girls without our kids so we could just talk and have a fun time! I am so lucky to have such amazing women in my life! My sister in laws, on both sides, are honestly my best friends!
Jay and Ash
Jay and Kathleen
Ash and I took the kids to see the water show at Bellagio. They thought it was so cool. Brody covered his ears the whole time because he thought it was too loud! I wish I had more pictures of all the fun things we did while Ash and her kids were in town! It was so fun to be able to just relax and let the kids play! My kids love their cousins and it was fun for them to get to know them better. I was so thankful ASh came and kept me "sane" while Todd was gone! It was so fun to hang out with her. She has such a fun personality and we have a lot in common so it was really fun! I knew the week was going to be rough without a husband around! Despite the never ending sickness, it was an awesome week!
Chandler is having a blast this summer! He loves to swim and his favorite thing is to dive to thebottom for rings. He loves riding his bike! Ever since Todds bike ride Chandler wants to ride his bike with cleats like his dad. So he rides with his baseball cleats! It is adorable! He is a great big brother and is trying to my little man whenever Stella is sad. He is so excited to start school! He can't wait for bear lake to see all of his cousins and then he knows school starts when we get home! He is so much fun to have in our family! He can make you laugh in any situation! I love you Chan! I know you have a very strong personality but I know you are going to go far and I hope you always know how much I love you!
Brody has also had a blast this summer learning to swim! He is doing great! He loves doing cannon balls! Brody is still wearing his glasses and we are now giving him drops to dialate his eye so the other one will be forced to work. Unfortunately he may be allergic to the medicine because his whole body turns red and he starts to run a fever! Hopefully we will get this eye thing worked out soon! Brody is going to start preschool this year and he CANT wait! He is already trying to arrange the carpool for me! Brody you are the best little man! You have the sweetest spirit and you try so hard to be good! I know you want to be rough and tough like Chan but you are just so tender-hearted! I love you so much! I love being your mom and I love the hugs and kisses you give me on an hourly basis, theyre the BEST!! I love you bud!
Miss Stella
How do you describe this little diva?? Stella, you are the best! Youre my best little friend! You have such a feisty personality! You seem so quiet and innocent but youre not! You know how to fight back with your brothers and do whatever it takes to get your way! You are saying so many new things and love to read and learn! My favorite thing you do right now is: you say "watch" anytime you do something! You say "watch" and then flop onto the beanbags! You bring such a sweet spirit and spark to our family! I love you so much and hope that you continue to be my best friend! You are a beautiful girl and I hope you remain that way on the inside as well as the outside! I love you sis!
I love you guys so much!!!!
What a fun idea! I was wishing I was there when I saw this post. What a fun weekend you guys had. Love the pictuers. My kids can't wait to see their cousins too. Could Stella be any prettier??? She looks just like you! Sounds like she and Addi will be 2 peas in a pod:)
Rikki... You make all this look soooo easy!!! Maybe that's why all three of your kids came so fast and to YOU... only YOU could do it all... RS pres, mommy of the year, and best sister-in-law EVER! It was so much fun to have a night out even if it was quick, i would drive at 4 AM anytime to have a night out! :)
It was such a fun weekend! Hope you didn't mind me telling the waiter you were my daughter too. I feel so lucky to have such fun, beautiful daughter-in-laws like you and Brooke. Thanks for all the planning. So sorry about the extra trip to the airport for the correct luggage. The kids standing there with their signs was the best surprise ever!! It was a sight that I won't forget. They were adorable.
Hey, my comment went under the wardle clan. Sorry!!
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