Sunday, April 4, 2010

Stellas Blessing

Stella on her blessing day. She was blessed on March 28, 2010 by her dad! It was a beautiful day. Stella wore my blessing dress! She looked absolutely adorable! I am so thankful for everyone who came and supported us in her big day!

Janette took this picture and I love it!! She is so talented! I am so thankful for Todd and his worthiness to bless our baby! He gave an incredible blessing. I am also thankful to all of the men who were worthy to assist Todd in blessing Stella. Stella is very blessed to have so many great examples in her life.

Grandma Kay with Stella. I was so grateful my mom saved my blessing dress for Stella to wear. It was such a special day! Thanks mom for all of your help/doing it all! My mom is always so amazing to help me whenever I need her. She practically did all of the food preperation while I fed and took care of Stella. It is because of her that I am so organized and have to make a list for everything I do. She made sure I had everything I could possibly think of to make Stellas blessing day so special.

Grandma Belnap, Grandma Kate, Stella, Rikki and Brody.
We were so happy that Todds family could all travel to spend this day with us! On Saturday we had an incredible Easter egg hunt (Thanks Grandma Kate) Our kids got so much fun stuff that I didn't even have to buy them anyhting for Easter!! It was so fun to spend the weekend with Todds family. I always love hanging out with his sisters and my kids just can't get enough of their grandparents. I am so thankful to them for the incredible son they raised.

I love this picture of the boys! They are becoming the best of friends and are keeping me so entertained! With Todd working out of town life has been pretty hectic and I definetely feel for single moms! It sucks! It has made me so thankful for a husband who ALWAYS jumps in and helps me usually without even being asked! Although it is crazy sometimes I am so thankful I get to be a mother! At night after the boys have gone to bed and I get to just hold and stare at Stella it reminds me how lucky I am to be a mom and how much I love these sweet spirits. I love my children more than I ever imagined I could! They are my biggest blessing!

Being a "new" mom and my emotions going crazy I am so thankul for my family and my friends! The Lord new what I needed in my life right now and I am so grateful for everyone who was willing to take my kids for me, or tell me I look good when I know I don't..YET! I will get there again! I am thankful for my friends who keep track of my kids when we are at the park and I am attempting to nurse AND watch chan and Brody. I feel so blessed to have a Heavenly Father who loves me and answered my prayers when I felt like I couldn't be a good enough mom to all 3. He has sent me such special people to be there for me when I need the help. I feel so grateful for all of the examples my kids are going to have in their lives and know that I am definetely not raising them on my own. I have more support than I could imagine!


Ashley and Cody said...

Stella is so lucky to have been born into your family. You and Todd are such great parents. She looked beautiful on her special day, and Todd did such a great job. You are such a wonderful mom and I look up to you so much. Thanks for always being so giving of your time and going out of your way to make us feel welcome when we come to St. George. I love hanging out with you and we have been through so much of the same stuff the past couple of years. Thanks for always being there to talk and give advice. We love you guys so much and we're so glad we could be able to share Stella's day with you!

Anonymous said...

Stella looked beautiful on her blessing day! She is a doll... I still think she is completely you! I love her and I havn't even met her:) Sounds like it was a really special day. I wish we could have been there to share it with you. I am excited to see her in May at the mother daughter:)

katesmith said...

Stella looked so beautiful in your blessing dress. It was still so white and pretty. It was such a special day and Todd gave Stella such a special blessing. It is one of the greatest joys to see our sons and son-in-laws honor their priesthood and be worthy to bless these beautiful grandchildren. I was touched by your testimony Rikki. Don't ever doubt your ability to be a good mother. You are never alone raising these kids. It was a great day and I am so glad my parents could be there.

meagan said...

That was such a special day. I am so glad that we were able to be there and hear Todd give such a beautiful blessing and listen to you and your Dad share your testimonies. I am so lucky to have you as a friend. love you.

Anna said...

So beautiful!! I love the lace! I'm so sorry we weren't able to be there, but it sounds, and looks, like it was wonderful and full of love :)

NAT said...

I had no idea that was your blessing dress! It's beautiful and what a neat opportunity for Stella to wear it.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Rikki. I needed to hear them because I've been a Mean Mommy over the past couple of weeks. Sometimes I get in these stages where I'm tired of buying everything for the kids and I'm tired of having to take care of everybody else, when I just want to buy for and take care of ME, ME, ME! :)

I need to ask God for forgiveness and be thankful that He gave me the opportunity to be a Mom because it really is an important and necessary calling. We have no idea the influence we have over these kids. Thanks for the reminder.

It was great seeing you guys that weekend. Thanks for everything. It was all so nice and the food was delish, of course. You look great and it's always fun to hang out.

Sorry that Todd's been gone so much. I met up with Todd last week for dinner and he told me that you were sending him "countdown" texts like, "One more day.." LOL! I would be the same way! It's way too hard trying to do it by yourself. Hang in there! I believe it will be worth it when "Smith's" pays Toddy a higher salary. Hey, they bought me some Training Table and I was happy. :)

Love you guys!