Friday, February 11, 2011

It has been a crazy few months so I am trying to get caught up on my blogging! I feel like this past year has been really challenging for me and I look forward to the new year and the hope that things will be better! I know the Lord is aware of me and aware of what I can handle, and he is testing me for sure! I feel so blessed for all I have and most importantly for my family! I love them so much and I am so thankful I know they are mine forever! Here are a few of the fun things we have been doing:
All of us at Disney On Ice...One of the perks to Todds job is that he always gets free tickets to some really fun events in Las Vegas. We have been to Nascar Truck races, Pro Bull Riding, National Finals Rodeo, Boxing Championships, UFC fights, UNLV basketball games and Disney on Ice. Lots of random things we probably would have never done but they were so much fun and make for some interesting dates!

Me and my boys

These best little buddies had so much fun at Disney on Ice. They couldn't wait for Buzz and Woody to come out!
Brody riding his new Motorcycle bike he begged santa for!

My 26th Chucke Cheese...

My boys love Chucke Cheese so much that they thought it would be awesome to take me there for my birthday! And since their dad probly didn't have much else planned thats where we ended up! It was so fun!! I love the arcades myself and I love to see my kids having so much fun!
Brody is obsessed with basketball lately! He runs around the house dribbling an imaginary ball. We brought our hoop inside and he just stands and shoots all day long! Hopefully he will be good like his dad!

I am so glad my boys have such an amazing dad! They have so much potential if they just follow in his footsteps! He is a great example to them! I am so thankful for the incredible husband he is and that he loves me even though I am crazy!!
We had an amazing Christmas and unfortunatly don't have any proof! My camera died and I didn't have any batteries!

Cousins slumber party
I feel so blessed to live by my brothers and their families! My boys have so much fun with their cousins and I love Jess and Janette. We had all of the boys over for a sleep over and the kids had so much fun!

Boston and Brody

Grant and Logan

All of them playing Bingo

GEtting lined up for the big race!

Little Miss Stella just along for the ride!


Robbie + Carly said...

Is it wrong that the thing foremost on my mind about your pictures is how clean your garage is!?!? Robbie would absolutely love having tickets to all of those fun things, sounds like a blast! Your kids are getting so cute! I can't believe that Stella is younger than Davyn, she is chunky like Skye was...ok, maybe chunkier! What a doll!

NAT said...

These are such great pictures! Hopefully my brother will plan something better than Chuck-E-Cheese next year. :) On that note, I think we're done with that joint. Eric took the girls there for a Daddy/Daughter night the other weekend and came home exhausted. He said, "I'm NEVER going on a weekend again. I was the only white guy there and there were Spanish kids everywhere who were cutting in line and didn't speak English." Aw, good times. :)

Oh, and your garage DOES look awesome. Hopefully before baby #3 comes, ours will too. I can't stand how it can look like an episode of "Hoarders" at times.

Looks like you all have been having a blast and I would love having tickets to all of those events.

Unknown said...

I think it is a blessing that you get tikets to all that stuff because I KNOW how creative Todd would be on date night! :) or lack of date night... but when you have tickets its a great excuse to get out!

katesmith said...

Thanks for posting pictures! I have been checking your blog and missing the kids so much. I would love to have gone to Disney on Ice myself!!! I think that is a nice perk for Todd. His father sure is thrilled that he has an in on the races!! These are fun pictures. You and Todd make a great team when it comes to cleanliness and organization. Todd was always my clean, organizer. I will never forget him lining up his shoes and lining up the bikes in the garage!!