"Game Day"
Brody is obsessed with Basketball. So we had a basketball party! For his gift, Todd got him a big hoop!!! He was so excited! But his little arms aren't quite strong enough to shoot it that high so he is still practicing on the little hoop! He also got a couple of basketball jerseys (Thanks Grandma Kate and The Smith family) and he wears them EVERYDAY!! He loves basketball!

Logan, Brody S, Grant, Chandler, Brody H

All of the party guests! Thanks everyone for coming! Brody you are so lucky to have such great friends and family who love you!

All of the party guests! Thanks everyone for coming! Brody you are so lucky to have such great friends and family who love you!
Brodys best buddy! These 2 are just plain TROUBLE! They have so much fun together!

Unfortunately he spent the morning of his birthday at the eye doctor. They told him he needs to be wearing his patch for 8-10 hours a day. Ughhhh! He actually wears it pretty well for a few hours but 8 is far too long for a little guy to have his eye covered. But I guess its better than suffering with eye problems for the rest of his life!

Brody, Brody hes our man, If he can't do it, NO one can! I love this little guy SO much! Brody you have been so much fun for our family. You are definetly the peace maker in our home and we are so glad! You have such a kind, tender spirit. You try to do whats right and not disappoint your parents. I love how happy you are and I LOVE your laugh. It is so hard to be mad at you when you are so adorable! I love you Buddy!

Brody, Brody hes our man, If he can't do it, NO one can! I love this little guy SO much! Brody you have been so much fun for our family. You are definetly the peace maker in our home and we are so glad! You have such a kind, tender spirit. You try to do whats right and not disappoint your parents. I love how happy you are and I LOVE your laugh. It is so hard to be mad at you when you are so adorable! I love you Buddy!
Brody... WE LOVE YOU so much! We are sad not to have been there for your birthday! We hope you had a great day! It looks like you did! Carter can't wait to be three "LIKE BRODY!" We still have your present but its pretty big to ship! So we will wait to see you this weekend! Love ya!
WE LOVE YOU TOO BRODY!!! You are such a sweet little man!!! You are a good little friend and a joy for everyone that is around you!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY BIG BOY!!!
Your basketball party looks so fun! I can't believe you were a 9 pound baby!! We sure love you and you are right Rikki about his laugh and smile! It is adorable. I love the picture of Chan and Brody with their towels. I think it is great that they have each other and are so close in age. So sorry about the patch. I wish there was an easier way. Do they still think there is a possibility of surgery? Anyway, Happy Birthday Brody! We are excited to see you this weekend.
Brody...We here you havn't taken off your Jersey we sent you... You and Ty would get a long great:) Ty also asked for a basketball cake for his b-day this year. I love yours. Your mom did a great job on it. What a fun party you had. Hope you had a great day and can't believe you are 3 already.
Happy birthday, Brody! You're such a cutie pie. Your Dad was the peacemaker in our home, too, so it must be genetic. I'm sorry to hear about the eye patch.
I think Brody is so sweet. So glad he had an awesome birthday!
oh my heck...I don't know why I didn't see the Rage one and the Secritariet one the last time I checked. I just looked at your blog again. Those videos of chan and brody are hilarious and so cute!!! I love that they are using your make-up brushes to groom the horse. Way to go Todd on your Triathalon.. Maybe you could whip your brother into shape with some motivational tips:) Good job!
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