Our friends invited us to ride dirt bikes out at the Lake bed. It was the perfect place for the kids to explore and run wild. There were no trees for them to crash in to and they got to just play and get dirty. Not a huge fun of kids going crazy and getting dirty but I will admit it was nice to just let go and not worry about how any of us looked! And interestingly enough, dirt washes right off!!!

Josh helping Chandler get geared up

All ready to ride
I love that Chandler is so daring! He did great riding the bike. I love this video with Brody trailing in the background on his motorcycyle bike. Brody loves Chandler so much and wants to be just like him and do everything he does!

Ummm, do you think these 2 are related???

The kids chowing down!! Kids in attendance: Keagan, Kayden, Kamden, Kayson and Krew Mckee, Jaron, Jantzen and Jayden Goddard, and Chandler, Brody and Stella Smith.

Chandler learning how to ride. Apparently he wasn't trained on how to stop because in the middle of lunch he rode the dirt bike right through the middle of the tent we were eating under!

Stella loved playing on the trailer!

Stella and Jayden playing in the trailer

I am not the biggest fan of dirty kids but I decided I was not going to worry about what the kids looked or smelt like. So here is Stella eating a popsicle covered in dirt. I can't even name half of the things she ate off of the ground and how disgusting she was by the end of the day. She looked like a giant dirt ball.
"Tough Stuff"
Kelly, Josh and Todd

"Hot and Dirty Women"
Kati, Mary and Rikki

No really, it was a very hot day and it was really dirty at the lake bed! The wind kept blowing up dust and I felt like I had dirt everywhere!

Josh helping Chandler get geared up

All ready to ride
I love that Chandler is so daring! He did great riding the bike. I love this video with Brody trailing in the background on his motorcycyle bike. Brody loves Chandler so much and wants to be just like him and do everything he does!

Ummm, do you think these 2 are related???
The kids chowing down!! Kids in attendance: Keagan, Kayden, Kamden, Kayson and Krew Mckee, Jaron, Jantzen and Jayden Goddard, and Chandler, Brody and Stella Smith.

Chandler learning how to ride. Apparently he wasn't trained on how to stop because in the middle of lunch he rode the dirt bike right through the middle of the tent we were eating under!

Stella loved playing on the trailer!
Stella and Jayden playing in the trailer
I am not the biggest fan of dirty kids but I decided I was not going to worry about what the kids looked or smelt like. So here is Stella eating a popsicle covered in dirt. I can't even name half of the things she ate off of the ground and how disgusting she was by the end of the day. She looked like a giant dirt ball.
"Tough Stuff"
Kelly, Josh and Todd

"Hot and Dirty Women"
Kati, Mary and Rikki
No really, it was a very hot day and it was really dirty at the lake bed! The wind kept blowing up dust and I felt like I had dirt everywhere!
After we got home and hosed everybody off we realized how lucky we are to have such great friends here in Las Vegas. We have formed some great relationships and are so thankful for where we ended up a whole year ago! It was one of those experiences where we just prayed where we should be and this is where we ended up. And everyday we are reminded why we followed the impression to move in this ward. I still can't believe it has been a whole year that we have been here. Time has flown by! But we are so grateful for where we are at in our lives and for the many blessings we enjoy! After this adventure I realized how much work it was for my parents to take us places and I am so grateful for my parents and everything they do for me and my family. Todd and I are so lucky to have such amazing families. It is a lot of work to be parents but I wouldn't trade this job for anything in the world. I love my kids so much and I am so grateful for the true joy they bring into my life!
This looks like the perfect place to go 4 wheeling! It looks like a safe spot for beginners! I can just see Chan riding into the tent. That is hilarious. Kids seem to be the happiest when they are the dirtiest! Even though we miss you like crazy, I am so happy that you have such great friends and such an awesome ward.
Sounds like Vegas is the place for you.....Even though we wish Oregon was the place for you....we are happy for you. Ty has been wanting to ride one of those motorcycles and Ryker keeps telling him that he is going to but hasn't yet. He did great. I loved watching his pre-schol graduation. He was so cute! And a great listner:) Stella is getting so big and pretty!
looked like fun! I love the pic of Stella all dirty. LOL! I am so glad to hear that you are so happy and that you were lead where you needed to be in Vegas. We love that you guys live near to us!!
Your memorial day looked GREAT!! How fun! I bet your boys just loved it, and Stella is so stinkin cute. It was so fun hanging out last week, and we appreciate your great hospitality!! We had a blast, even though my kids got sick.
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