A few weeks ago Todd called and told me he was able to get tickets to Tim McGraw! This was a total dream come true for me! I love Tim Mcgraw! I grew up listening to his music and was so excited!!! It was Cody and Jessicas anniversary so I called and asked if they would want to come! It was so much fun! It was fun to go to a concert where I literally knew every word to every song he sang! It brought back so many memories of riding in the car with my family and singing his songs! Plus, he is still as gorgeous as ever! I cant believe he is 40!
We also took the kids to the circus! The kids loved it and loved seeing the animals and mostly the tigers! It was a great show! Thanks again babe for an amazing experience!
I'm so jealous...I love Tim!!!
You guys have been able to do the funnest things! Todd gets some nice perks. I know I loved "Lion King." Thanks again Todd for getting the tickets. The circus looks so fun for the kids and you are right about Tim McGraw. He is not too shabby!! I think he is close to my age, right??? And I don't even like wranglers!!!
Talk about creative. Rikki....I am not creative. You on the other hand.....making t-shirts for Todd is creative!! Those were adorable! I think that is so awesome that Todd rode all that way. What an accomplishment. It looks like you all had so much fun. I wish we could have been there. Stella looks so old. Her hair has sure lightened up. She is definately a mini you and so adorable. I love Tim McGraw...How fun for you!
That was a lot of fun seeing TIM! I am glad by other peoples comments that there are still Tim fans out there! I am so behind blogging and checking blogs ahhhh! Cody and I need people like you and Todd to think up something for us! :)Oh and I think Chan will be great in the circus doing all the crazy stunts!
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