Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter 2012
My camera died so not so many pics! We had a great weekend! We went to our ward easter egg hunt and had such a fun time! It is going to be so hard to leave such an amazing ward! The kids love all of their friends here and so do Todd and I! We had a relaxing Easter morn with no meetings!! The kids found the eggs and then we got ready to go to church. I am so thankful for my testimony and for my Savior. I hope my kids learned and will remember the true meaning of Easter.

Wow! Thats one for the wedding video!

Kids lined up at the Ward Easter egg hunt!

Some funny things the kids said on Easter morn:
-Will the easter bunny be at church?
-I think I want to be the Easter bunny for Halloween.
-I swear the easter bunny was in my bed last night.
-How did the easter bunny know what I wanted?
-He was probably playing the WII while he ate his carrots.
-Maybe he had all his kids with him.
-Will it say "Ribbit, Ribbit." umm you mean Rabbit?...Oh Ya!
-I need it. (Stella about her candy)
-Awesome..this is the BEST easter ever!


Anonymous said...

Love all the new posts!!! You've been really playing hard lately:) How fun for you guys. We miss you already:)

katesmith said...

The kids look so adorable for Easter! Love the boys in their new suits! Their Easter comments are hilarious.

NAT said...

So cute! Your kids are so darling. The boys look so handsome in their suits.