Grant and Chandler with Ms Curth

Chandler, Grant and Logan waiting for the school bell to ring!

Chandler chose Cafe Rio as his "first day of school" dinner! Ok, he actually chose CiCis Pizza but I had other things in mind so I gave him a few options to choose from!

Chandler was so excited that Todd could be there on his big day!

Brody and Chandler
These 2 have become such great friends. This transition will be the hardest on Brody! Brody was so sad to see him go into the class and ran and gave him a hug right as he was going in. On monday before school I asked Chan what he wanted to do while we waited for school and he said, "Probably just play with Brody. He is going to miss me while I am gone all day." Funny but so true! Brody loves his big brother so much!

Chan I am so proud of you!! I was sad to send you to school but seeing the joy on your face made me realize how happy you were! You have grown so big and watching Dad give you your first official "back to school" fathers blessing made me so happy and proud to be your Mom. You are a valiant young man with an incredible spirit. I hope you can continue to be a good example to your class mates and wear your CTR ring with pride! I love you!
Such a little Stud Muffin
What a handsome boy he is. He'll love having Ms. Curth this year. She does a lot of fun stuff with the kids, Jantz still talks about her.
You have to be the most handsome boy in your class! I was just talking at work today, about Chan's run away to the school. He has waited for this day for a long time. I am so glad he received a father's blessing. I think that is the greatest tradition to start. Chan Man, I wish you could stay little, but you have the potential to do great things. Always set a good example for little Brodster! We love you lots
Rikki- This post made me cry!! Chan looks so cute...And how sad that he started Kindergarten before his older cousin:) Ty starts next week and I am sad about it.. Ty had so much fun with chan and Brody....He loves that they are tough and not wimpy!!! We wish we could get them together more often. Chan is one great kid and he's going to do great in school!
These pictures are adorable!! Chan looks so big and grown up! He is such a handsome little guy and will love school. I had to crack up at the Cafe Rio picture of him. He is such a loving little guy, and I'm sure he'll be the biggest helper to his teacher. Give him a big hug for us, and we know he'll do great! You've done a great job with him.
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