Brody started preschool last week! He was so excited! He wants to bring the snack every day. He wears an empty backpack everyday in hopes of getting homework! The teacher explained that she couldn't help kids go to the bathroom. Now Brodys biggest concern is that he won't be able to button his pants after he uses the restroom!

Mom and Brody
When we pulled up for the open house there was an Altima parked out front. Brody was so excited because he thought Todd had met us there. Todd wasn't there. Brody was so disappointed. So I made sure Todd met us there for his first day! Brody loves his dad so much and it made him feel so special that Todd would leave work and come to his school! He felt so proud when he recieved his "first day of school' fathers blessing!
Brody, You are the Best! I love you so much! You have the sweetest little spirit! You are always so kind to others! You are the best big brother to Stella! You are always so concerned with her happiness. You love to teach her new things and are constantly saying "Stella say this..." Youre the reason she talks so well. You are going to do great in school! You will make friends easily and listen to the teacher! You are such a good little guy and I love having you around. You are so funny and make me laugh all the time. You are just to sweet to get mad at! I was so sad to see you run into that school without even turning to say good-bye! But when I saw you sitting on the rug, listening so intently, I knew school was where you needed to be! I love you Brody! You really are the BEst!
Brody is so cute!
Brody... how grown up you are! What a fun school you have and what a great mom you have to take you to preschool... she is a busy gal! Your dad really loves you to leave the grind to see you! Love you!
Brody is the sweetest, and cutest little boy!! I can't believe how fast he is growing up. He has always been such a sweet spirit and I can just hear him saying those things to Stella. You are doing a great job with your kids, and they are lucky you take time to put them in all the activities you do. You really do have such sweet kids, and you are a great parents. Keep up the good work, and STOP getting so big Brody!! We love you
Brody, you just steel everyone's heart with your cute, contagious, smile!! You really are such a sweet, fun, little guy. We are so glad you came to the game with us last week. You are a good brother and always so nice to your little cousins. We love you so much and I am so glad that Dad took the time to be there on your special day and how lucky to have a Dad that can give you a priesthood blessing. You are lucky to have a special Mom who always has you looking so clean and handsome!
I finally have my computer back!!! Brody you are a doll. Just wait one day you'll be complaining that your back pack is too heavy and that you have toooo much homework. Chan man is I am sure the best big brother to you and showing you all the ropes. Way to go!
Way to go, Brody! You're such a darling little boy and getting so big! The way your Mom describes you reminds me of your Daddy when he was a little boy. He was always so sweet and kind. I'm glad he got to be there for your 1st day.
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